Sabtu, 28 September 2019

Cara membuat CRUD sederhana menggunakan PHP MYSQL

Didalam dunia pemograman CRUD atau Create, Read, Update dan Delete adalah hal dasar bisa dibilang sangat mendasar, karena setiap kali sahabat membuat sebuah project untuk pengolahan data pastinnya operasi CRUD yang kita pakai, dan CRUD ini tidak hanya dipakai di PHP saja melainkan di fungsi kan disemua bahasa pemograman seperti, JAVA, Dhelpi dan sebagainya.
jadi pengertian dari CRUD itu sendiri yaitu adalah sebuah proses dalam bahasa pemograman untuk operasi pengolahan data. sudah bisa dipahamikan tentang Apa Itu CRUD?
Pengertian dan Penjelasannya .
CRUD adalah sebuah singkatan yakni Create, Read, Update dan Delete, dimana fungsi
Create yaitu untuk membuat atau menambah baris data
Read yaitu untuk Membaca Data
Update yaitu untuk Mengubah Data, dan
Delete yaitu untuk Menghapus data.

itu adalah beberapa penjelasan yang saya buat dengan sesederhana mungkin agar anda mampu mempelajarinya dengan mudah dimengerti.

Oke Langsung saja kita ke praktek pembuatan CRUD dengan PHP MYSQL
Alat-alat yang kita butuhkan yaitu
1. Text Editor (saya menggunakan Sublime)
2. Browser (Crome, Mozila dll)
3. PHPMyAdmin

Pertama kita membuat Database.sql
dengan struktur  seperti berikut, untuk penamaan databasenya bebas, disini saya membuat dengan nama crudphp dan nama tabelnya mahasiswa

Setelah itu buat file dengan nama config.php file ini berguna untuk menyambungkan dari  sistem menuju database sehingga data-data yang ada di sistem bisa tersimpan di database

membuat file index.php
File index.php merupakan file utama yang menyertakan file konfigurasi untuk koneksi database. Kemudian menampilkan semua daftar pengguna menggunakan MySQL Select Query. Pengguna yang akan ditampilkan di dalam daftar perlu menambahkan terlebih dahulu menggunakan tautan 'Tambahkan Pengguna Baru'.

Buat form tambah data dengan nama tambah.php
File ini berfungsi untuk menambahkan nama, username, email, dan password dan berikut kode nya :

membuat file edit dengan nama edit.php
Edit.php digunakan untuk mengedit / update data pengguna. Anda dapat mengubah data pengguna dan memperbaruinya.
File ini akan mengarahkan pengguna kembali ke homepage, setelah update sukses.

kemudian membuat file delete dengan nama delete.php
File delete.php hanya dipanggil saat kita klik link 'Delete' untuk pengguna manapun yang dipilih.

kemudian kita coba hasilnya

ini adalah tampilan index.php nya

ini adalah tampilan tambah.php

ini adalah tampilan edit.php

ini tampilan ketika mau menghapus

Demikan cara membuat CRUD di php mysql dengan sederhana

Bagi yang ingin mendownload Source codenya bisa di klik link di bawah ini

Terimakasih sampai jumpa di tutorial selanjutnya

Jumat, 05 Januari 2018



Holiday in Dieng

For about 3 years ago exactly on Saturday at 7.00 PM, My friends and I together made plan for holiday to Dieng. We were 6 people, and we were agreed that tomorrow on Sunday  morning would go to holiday to dieng by motorcycle. After everything were clear or fixs,we prepared everything that we would bring for provisions holiday to dieng. Provisions that should everyone brought were raincoat, snack food like cassava chip, crackers etc.

On Sunday for about at 8.00 AM we gone to dieng the one of tourist attraction in central java. We arrived there for about at 2.00 PM. Although the weather was still so cold,so we directed rent in which the price was not so expensive for about 400.000 for one day that we have got dinner and breakfast. In the inn we began to planned and pepared to went to top of dieng.

At 4.00 AM Everyone began woke up, but my body was so weak to got up from mattress. Because the weather was so cold. It was like in the freezer. And what the fuck that my friend, was got me up by water. I was so angry but remembered that I have promised that I should got up in the morning.

After that we gone to the cloudy country, There the cloud were in foot of. Mountain and the scenery was so beautiful. But what something strange, one of my friend who was brought a blanket he slept. What the fuck he just made ashamed. For about 15 minutes we walked. We felt so tired. Those trip was so made us thirsty. Fortunately there were many villager sold many foods and beverage. Because we were so tired so,we took a rest with made a joking. After everything felt better so we continued the trip. We began to went to the top. I looked all of my friend that they were so enthusiasm for went to the top and countinued the trip so it made me enthusiasm too.

At 5.00 AM we arrived to the top. It was so amazing when we have arrived there. No word that could describe how Amazing god is. How beautiful god made this universe is. How proudly I was, that I could go there and enjoy a part of beautiful world that made by god. It was like heaven. We felt so near with cloud. We were scream together  as loud as possible. It was like proved that we satisfied. We never forgot to took pictures  to immortalize those moments, adapted with climbers else and shared about our experiences. There were so many women climbers there who made us could not  stopped to looked at them. It was like bonus for us. But because the sun  was being rise so it was time for us to went home. Although my heart said that “ I still wanna be here and enjoy every beautiful  of those scenery that made by god with amazing “ but what to be done my family have waited for us to went home. We went home with so satisfied with those holiday.